301 conjecture was made in late 1980’s in a dormitory, Room 301 of Building 115, in University of Science & Technology of China. It was inspired by “Goldbach’s conjecture”, which was very famous in China at the time, although not all students who made 301 conjecture back then fully understood what Goldbach was hypothesizing.
Because Albert Einstein in 1905 publicized a pair of famous equations about properties of light and energy as:
mc2 = E = hv
Students living in Room 301, and their frequent visitors, jokingly stated that: there should be practically unlimited amount of energy surrounding everybody, everywhere, every minute, and the reasons were:
1) E = mc2 means everyone’s body mass, if multiplied by square of the light speed, would produce the amount of energy, equivalent to tens of thousands of Hiroshima atomic bombs;
2) E = hv means every black-body on earth can emit energy through radiation constantly, let alone any other types of “body” or objects with brighter colors.
After 30+ years of work and study, the pursuit of proving “301 conjecture” was unexpectedly yet fatefully connected with proof of “Goldbach’s conjecture”. Guess, after all, every human being on the Earth would once in a while, dream of:
Getting something out of nothing, which is:
Science of dividing by 0, which can only happen when the reference frame is shifted.
After quantum jump from one reference frame to another, anybody can get:
Real force out of fictitious force
Utility energy out of potential energy