Our block chain – Double Helix

Our Ledgers use the block chain technology, but unlike other cryptocurrencies, we have changed how mining and transaction data are organized, by separating them into two different chains.

Those two blockchains are functionally different, yet connected at every 1000 blocks to form a double helix structure.  Such structure ensure the amount of security and independence of distributed ledger, while instilling “gold standard” value from the mining chain into the transaction chain, via a multi-dimensional design.

The trading chain operates similar to other standard blockchains in the industry, while removing their peculiar “mining” activities, which waste a lot of energy to calculate the super difficult cryptic codes, akin to the process of generating super difficult-to-crack passwords (or its encrypted hash).

Our trading chain record excavation of “gold”, in the forms of producing energy and protecting the environment, while offering the equivalent amount of security, if not more, comparing to existing blockchain technologies.  Security mechanism implemented with quantum computing mechanism are often more secure than super difficult-to-crack passwords (hash codes), because multi-dimensional identification methods with various forms of identification and authentication (via phone, email, Internet-of-Things devices, security questions, electrical meters, images over wireless network, etc.) are often more accurate and reliable.


Double Helix Blockchain
Double Helix Blockchain